
Plan to Make a Difference

The Southern Hills Permanent Endowment Fund represents a long-lasting commitment to the life of this church and to the lives of future generations.

Your gift can be part of the general Endowment Fund or can be designated for special ministries such as:
▪ Mission & Outreach Activities
▪ Children & Youth Ministries
▪ Property & Facility Improvements

The principal and earnings are not used for the regular and recurring operating expenses of the church.

Plan Now

As you make plans for your financial future, consider how you might make a lasting difference through the Southern Hills Permanent Endowment Fund.

How is the Fund Administered?

It is administered by the Southern Hills United Methodist Foundation. A committee of church members is elected each year by our church’s Charge Conference to manage the Foundation.

The gift you make is called the principal. The principal is invested, professionally managed, and the income earned is reinvested. Each year, a percentage of the fund is available to support mission and outreach ministries of Southern Hills. The committee determines the use for the available funds.

Do I Have to Make My Gift Now?

Your gift to the Permanent Endowment Fund will become part of a cornerstone first laid in 1959, adding to a vision for outreach and ministry well into the future.

But your gift does not have to be paid now. Most endowments are built over time, using legacy gifts. Legacy gifts include bequests from wills, trusts, and other forms of extended or delayed giving which are planned during your lifetime but may not occur until after your lifetime.

By participating in our Permanent Endowment Fund, you will help to build a Christ-centered legacy that will serve others in our community and around the world.

Why Support an Endowment Fund?

Southern Hills UMC is a wonderful spiritual home for you and so many others. Beyond our regular giving to support the annual operating budget of the church, the Permanent Endowment Fund is an opportunity to participate in a lasting legacy that will live on beyond our years. The Permanent Endowment Fund will help realize the vision for the ministries of this church both today and into the future.

The Permanent Endowment Fund, by design, will not be used to fund annual operations. Using only a percentage of the fund, Southern Hills will be able to share God’s love for decades to come.

How Can I Make a Gift to the Fund?

There are a variety of ways you can give to the Endowment Fund. It is a good idea to speak with an advisor before deciding the best way for you. Examples are:

-Through Your Will or Trust
Leave a lasting legacy with a gift through your estate plan. You can gift a specific amount, a specific asset (stock, property), or a percentage (such as a tithe).

-Outright Gift
Make a current donation of cash, appreciated stock, real estate, or personal property.

-Beneficiary Designation
Name the Southern Hills United Methodist Foundation as the beneficiary of an IRA or 401(k) or 403(b) or an insurance policy. This is often an easy way to support future ministries.

-Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust
You receive a current income tax deduction and income for life (or two lives jointly). The rates are attractive for seniors and the Permanent Endowment Fund can receive the remainder gift.